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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19564
This Months Entries: 5
My Total Entries: 0
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Most Active Members:
maker (3 entries)
squiz (2 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 10 )
squiz (Stoke Factor: 6 )

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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2939

30th September 2011
Hiking - Walking: Mont to the L’arboretum de I’Hort Dieu=France
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny and warm
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 4.50 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Friday30th Sept – walk and a little travelling – 4.5 n miles ***** sunny and warm
The idea was to get up early from our spot on top of the world on Mont Aigoual (1567m) and head down the Mont to the L’arboretum de I’Hort Dieu, that’s a walk in the forest to you and me!!! But after exercises during which I was interrupted by a bus load of French school kids turning up but at least I had more clothes on than Mag who was washing in the van and had to shut all the curtains quickly!!! Breakfast on the blanket and it was 10:30 before we set off past the weather station built like a castle and down a steep path to the start on the walk, another signed trail naming many of the trees en-route from all around the world with views down the valley that were out of this world:)The idea had been to plant these trees in an area which had lost most of its trees in about 1902. It was a real hike in the up and down terrain but worth every ounce of sweat!!! We did the last section on the road past a herd of cows and calves with bells and horns and what looked like lovely eye makeup on :) Several cyclists overtook us having biked up from the bottom!!! We got back to the van after 3 hours tired but happy. Mag threw together a delicious tuna pasta and then we went to look at the Meteo Exposition – gratuit :) which had some fantastic photo’s of the varied weather the station gets. At 3:30 we headed down a long and winding road surrounded by glorious autumn colours stopping for bread and water at Valleraugue but then found a supermarket at Ganges where we also stopped by the la Vis at the start of another gorge for tea and cake :) Then with time running out to find a spot for the night we made it to our destination the Cirque de Navacelles, the biggest canyon in Europe and it took your breath away as we approached from the top at the Belvedere de Blandas and had this huge bowl before us just as the sun was disappearing behind the mountain – stunning, can’t wait for the morning to explore!!! So its another starry night and we are parked all by ourselves in the most wonderful spot – roll on dawn!!!
Check out photos on Facebook :) =c817137869&type=1 l=4f3333d9fa&type=1

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